Cause THAT’S not exciting

17 February, 2006

My PI is meeting next week with a bigwig.

This is a bigwig so big that many of you have heard of him. Yes, even nonscientists. And even if you can’t recall his name, you know what he did.

No I’m not kidding, you really do.

He wants to fund some bipolar research.

“This is your chance to present your ideas to [bigwig]”, says the PI to me and the other fellow.

So that’s what I’ll be thinking about this weekend!!

2 Responses to “Cause THAT’S not exciting”

  1. Nancy Kirk Says:

    Wow! Good luck. Athena is wearing a smile.

  2. wolfhead Says:

    It’s late and I’m kind of tired and my mind is wandering… The only thing I can think of PI standing for is Private Investigator, which leads me to imagine Tom Selleck as the bigwig you’re presenting your ideas to.

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